This is what makes me happy, an 11 year old inventor is invited by Philips to demonstrate and explain his cappuccino-machine. A great day for the young genius, with guided tours through the Philips production facilities in Drachten, the Netherlands.
Yet, the answer to the question, will Philips start producing and selling the invention, is a polite yet resolute no… And the reasons are easy to be found: “It is too costly to make and it remains a question wether people are willing to pay for it. That is why Philips assesses that there is currently no market for this invention.”
My guess is that you recognise such a response, a response that reflects a major part of my personal frustrations. If I bring inventions of my clients to potential producers, the answer is most of the time a polite yet resolute no. And with good reasons, almost nobody wants to take the risks involved.
I am curious, do you experience a similar result, or do you find other obstacles in bringing your ideas to market? Please share in the comments your experience or send me a private whatsapp on +31 6481 74 686.

Source (in Dutch only):